Episode 1: Following your Passion & Finding your Why

3 Replies to “Episode 1: Following your Passion & Finding your Why”

  1. Janet P Gillen

    This was an excellent reflection on understanding why we do what we do. I don’t want to build a business, I just love creating and want to donate my creations as that makes me feel good. I have done this since I started crafting with crocheting, making soaps, etc.

  2. Joni Barriere

    Oh, this podcast was excellent. It is so well done!
    I have taken many detours on my way to finding my passion. I get satisfaction when I can share my creativity with other people. Unfortunately or maybe fortunately, my life at the present time seems to be too much online. Getting things finished has been a challenge, especially with my art quilting. Thank you for this upbeat reminder that action leads to clarity.

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